When facing the total collapse of faith, where do you find answers? What is reason when we can only rely on ourselves to explain to ourselves? Does law bear any more responsibility aside from a decision? Maye thinks that law explains and she decides based on law, but she is after all a human being who needs to explain how she thinks and feels.
What's "can't "? There ain't no "can't"! There is no "can't"! 洛奇对妻子真的爱之深一夜成名让他不知所措也高估未来但所有都是源自对妻子的爱;后来走投无路才认定拳击是自己不可放弃的 史泰龙的表演比第一部还优秀——“笨拙顽固却又善良坚韧的洛奇” “洛奇你在这干嘛不比赛了吗” “哦神父我现在有家人了我希望你帮我祈祷保佑我不要被打的太狠” “阿波罗来了…” “不然呢” “其实我希望他缺席” 傻乎乎的幽默感… 前期节奏一直很好多人+高CH海棠只是和第一部相比结局就显得太唐突:没有了第一部的坚定执着和爱情动力左手的勾拳也算不上多出其不意认真起来的世界拳王未免太赢弱… 与其说是坚持到底不如说小人物等来了自己的奇迹